Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Winter's Tail

To commemorate the first day of Winter, I thought I would share images of a few of the birds who visited my backyard yesterday. All are regular daily visitors this time of year.

Downy Woodpecker
Golden-crowned Sparrow
White-crowned Sparrow
Oregon Junco
Oak Titmouse
Bewick's Wren
Western Scrub Jay

Chestnut-backed Chickadee


  1. Very nice! A couple of those birds would be lifers for me.

  2. Little beauties in your yard. Happy first day of winter.

  3. Thanks, Debbie, nice to see you. Have missed you on Twitter. Happy first day of winter to you!

  4. Thank you, Dawn. Not knocking at my door like yours!

  5. Your birds look very familiar, just a little bit different from the eastern US variety. Nice photos! Happy holidays and happy birding in 2011!

  6. I agree with Hilke, the birds are interesting because they are just a little different from the same varieties we have here (I"m in Maine), familiar but not the same. Nice set of images.

  7. Thanks Hilke & Robin. I know what you mean, I see slight differences when I see Eastern birds posted. Thanks for stopping in & sharing your thoughts.

  8. Lovely images!!! It's neat that we have chicadees and juncos and sparrows and wrens - just different types than what you have. Very neat to see yours!

  9. Those are some great backyard birds, several would be lifers for me! I just moved to Bountiful, Utah and I'm excited to see what different backyard birds I get here compared to my Boise, ID and Mesa, AZ backyards.
